Goddess Jessi Belle - Divorce is the Answer
11 November 2022
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You know that you want to devote your life to me, but there's an obstacle to get over - your wife! If you were to divorce that would leave you with 100% of your time for me! It isn't like your wife even likes you so a divorce would be a favor!You cannot be left alone though, you'd need someone to take you in and control you. That person has to be me! Now I will get you and your attention 100% of the time. I know you best anyway. I give your life purpose and with this I would be doing your wife a favor by taking you off her hands!I can control and dominate you the best! I am being so selfless by doing this,she should be thanking me for doing this. I am freeing her! I will take over and make you the best boy.The only answer to all of your problems is to divorce your wife and devote yourself to me fully!
You know that you want to devote your life to me, but there's an obstacle to get over - your wife! If you were to divorce that would leave you with 100% of your time for me! It isn't like your wife even likes you so a divorce would be a favor!You cannot be left alone though, you'd need someone to take you in and control you. That person has to be me! Now I will get you and your attention 100% of the time. I know you best anyway. I give your life purpose and with this I would be doing your wife a favor by taking you off her hands!I can control and dominate you the best! I am being so selfless by doing this,she should be thanking me for doing this. I am freeing her! I will take over and make you the best boy.The only answer to all of your problems is to divorce your wife and devote yourself to me fully!
Tags: Goddess Jessi Belle talking
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